Beginnings: A Home for Thoughtful, Pragmatic Baby Name Advice

Welcome to my naming blog. For my first post, I reflect on my long fascination with names, why I started this blog, and what you can expect to find here.

I’ve loved and collected names since I was a young girl. I started out writing name lists for characters in my games and stories. I was drawn to names that were unfamiliar. The unusual arrangement of sounds delighted me; there seemed an endless amount to discover. 

A name list from my youth
(A photograph of a name list from my youth)

As a young adult, I made name lists for the family I might one day have. My focus shifted from the unfamiliar to the familiar; from otherworldly to more traditional styles.

I scoured my family tree, looked for inspiration in new places and experimented with ways to create meaning from the names I loved. 

Around this time, I started regularly answering baby name questions online. Niche name requests and complex naming dilemmas grabbed my interest. I liked thinking my way through the problems. It was deeply satisfying to help the questioner – but also satisfying in its own right. So it became a daily pastime over many years and it is one I still continue today.

Last year my husband and I experienced the naming process for ourselves with the arrival of our son. Years of list making and daydreaming culminated into that one decision. I couldn’t have guessed how we’d choose his name in the end.

It was never on any of my lists and coming to a joint decision was very different to daydreaming on my own. The experience deepened my interest in the decision making aspects of naming and planted a seed for the focus of this blog.

I realised I wanted a project I could grow with — something I could share and enjoy with others along the way.

As those early months with a young baby moved behind me, I began to think about making space for my passions again. I knew it would be different this time with a little one in my care so I wanted my efforts to count for something more.

I contemplated this over many months of this year and kept returning to two things; writing and names. I realised I wanted a project I could grow with — something I could share and enjoy with others along the way. That is how I decided to begin this blog.

Over my years of reading and answering baby name questions, I’ve found many parents struggling with the pressure to choose the right name. I’ve noticed parents expressing name regret or doubt over their choice.

I don’t believe the way through these challenges is more lists or names. I believe it’s through thoughtful and deliberate consideration of the decision making process itself. And that is what I’m here to explore and discuss on this blog.

On the blog, I will:

  • Reflect on the naming challenges parents face and explore different approaches to resolving them. 
  • Discuss my naming philosophies and look at ways to discover your own.
  • Explore naming through our culture and stories for their unique perspectives and value. 
  • Engage creatively with names to share the feelings and ideas they inspire.

It’s my hope that you leave here with renewed focus and clarity to navigate your baby name dilemmas whether you’re in the midst of naming your baby or planning ahead. And if you’re here just because you love thinking about names — enjoy!

Kay Burns